Embarking on a New Journey!๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿš€

Hey there fellow game fans,

Guess what? As of two days ago, I have started working on an exciting new project and it's already turning into some of my best work yet! I thought it would be fun to give a little sneak peak of what's cooking behind the scenes.

Where do I see this going?

I aim to lay down the foundation for a third person RPG template that:

Is Modular: I want to craft a system where everything from features to mechanics and even story elements can be plugging in or out. This makes it easier for future me (and future devs!) to add and change stuff without revamping the entire project!

Is Flexible: I am building the project in a way so that if I wake up one day and decide, "I have an outlandish idea that could completely change the functionality of the project", I can. NEVER STOP ITERATING.

Has Developer-friendly Tools: As an aspiring gameplay engineer, I know quite well the struggles of working in a game engine like Unity. I am creating tools for faster iterations. Want to quickly adjust the camera controller or test out a new combat system? My goal is to have tools in place to make that as easy as possible.

A Passion Project Emerges!

It's only been two days, but man, I am enthusiastic about this project! I have mapped out core mechanics (some you can see in this build), made plans for future changes, and even made a pretty neat in-editor gizmo that represents the camera controller!

What's Next?

I plan to dive deeper into prototyping more core mechanics, building a testing area, and crafting more dev tools that help devs visualize and adjust important aspects of their games!

Help Me Out!

Your feedback is invaluable so as I share more updates I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and criticisms (please be gentle). Got a cool idea for a mechanic or developer tool? Drop it in the comments! Think I did an awful job and should find a new career path? Drop it in the comments!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my work! Until next time.




ItchBuild1.0.zip 7.7 MB
Aug 22, 2023

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